MUST READ ON THE B OG nazwa. wi s end over N mi ion on innovations in Test website s eed Hosting at nazwa. is the fastest for e commerce How to use emai safe y Tags e mai How to use emai safe y | name. Sending and receiving emai s has become our everyday ife. However there are some dangers associated with using emai . We are ex osed to s am and hackers can s oof any emai address to extort va uab e data from emai reci ients or trick them into insta ing ma ware. How to rotect yourse f from this Fight against s am S am is not just innocent emai "junk.
Unso icited messages may contain ma ware or inks to hacker created extortion sites. not to down oad and insta rograms attached to messages and not to c ick on sus icious inks contained in their content un ess Phone Number List we know the sender of the message and we have a ready received emai s from him.
Either way it is very im ortant to scan the messages with an antivirus rogram. In order not to ex ose yourse f to a arge amount of s am it is worth avoiding ub ishing your e mai address on websites because in this way they are scanned by hacker robots. The addresses co ected in this way bui d databases of cybercrimina s. If we sti want to ost our address on the website we can re acing the sign with the etters at . Encoding the address using JavaScri t is a so a good rotection. Then we can dis ay it on the age in its origina form.